Narrabri Public School

Savoir c'est pouvoir - Knowledge is power

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1/2K “what did you do before you had computers?

1/2K have been researching animals on the internet in preparation for writing an information report. This week the question was posed “what did you do before you had computers?” So on Tuesday we learnt about these wonderful books called encyclopedias and what people did in the so-called ‘olden days’ when you wanted to learn about something like animals. We had a ball learning all about encyclopedias and especially liked reading them to find some very interesting information along the way.

Nat & Evie 

Rabbits are called primary consumers because they feed on clover, grass and other plants.

Denzel, Jed, Alek & Pipper

The Australian Tiger Cat is the largest native cat, it measures up to 1.2m long. 

Enzo, Tristan & Mohit

Ground sloths lived about 1 million years ago. They lived in North and South America. 

Josie & Ellani

Animals such as horses and elephants used to be a part of circus performances. 

Jarrod, Xander & Jarrod

There was once millions of buffalo that roamed the land in America. 

George & Ryan

A meteoroid travels through outer space and has no atmosphere 

Ravyn & Max

A tarantula looks fierce but its bite is usually no more dangerous than that of other spiders. 

Jahnarli & Zoe

Venice is a city built on water.