This week we celebrate NAIDOC Week. This is traditionally a week of celebrations that we share by bringing our whole community together and acknowledge the vital role of culture and connection in our student’s lives. Unfortunately with current COVID restrictions we are unable to have families on-site, however we are looking forward to sharing many cultural celebrations via our Facebook page. Aunty Pattie has spent a great deal of time teaching the Acknowledgement of Country to Kindergarten through song, as well as teaching Year 2 about the dances of the Gamilaroi totems - the Guugaarr, the Dhinawan, the Bigiabilla and the Bundaarr. Aunty Pattie continues to foster a love of culture, language and dance in all our students and is teaching the older students the importance of passing their culture onto the younger generation - having older students modelling and guiding younger students in traditional dance and dress. We are very blessed to have the talented George Williams attending our school on Wednesday to paint rock art with students from each grade.
Congratulations to the students who received a NAIDOC award at our assembly on Friday.