27 Jun 2022

Sporting Success
Last Thursday, Stage 3 students participated in basketball and touch football. Miss Dudman enjoyed taking the basketball team to compete in Boggabri, achieving a convincing 34-20 win. Riley sparrow, Troydell Ward, Gus Ford, Dominic Calsena, Bentley Myers and Jacob Teer displayed exemplary sportsmanship and skill, working as a team and displaying strong defence while maintaining possession of the ball. On Monday, Miss Smith took the soccer team to compete against Wee Waa at Cook Oval. The team an impressive match, coming away with a staggering win of 16-0. All students displayed wonderful sportsmanship, playing together and communicating clearly, overcoming any challenge they faced on the field. Congratulations to Martha Barton, Blake Herden, Jacob Teer, Jace Campbell, Jackson Hayne, Gus Ford, Issac Wilmott-McLawrence, Lachlan Coffey, Lachlan Cameron, Troydell Ward, Kristopher Went, Bentley Myers, Ben Taylor and Tyreake Dixon. Both teams will now progress on to the next round and we wish their coaches are looking forward to working with them to continue developing their skills between each match.